Breaking Barriers - The Book

      Breaking Barriers is an exciting  book, outlining the nationally
renowned Christian Martial Arts presentation by Lutheran minister
and karate master, J. Brown.
Read about his five principles of board and brick breaking and how
they can apply to your life.

Find out how to:
  • Stand firm against the pressures of the world 
  • Gain self confidence to achieve your goals
  • Make healthy choices that will impact your life
  • Improve concentration on things that matter most
  • Triumph over obstacles and follow through on your ambitions

Learn the secrets to overcoming the obstacles that stand in your
way - and achieve personal victory and success in your life! 

"This book will challenge you to reach new heights in your personal and spiritual growth. It's like having your very own life coach by your side, cheering you on! J. Brown's encouraging style will strengthen your faith, help you build up your spiritual arsenal, and inspire you towards excellence in ALL areas of your life. Everyone needs to read it!"  
- J. Dibble, editor

$14.95  (Tri-Pillar Publishing)