Breaking Barriers Photo Gallery
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Welcome to the Breaking Barriers Presentation!


Sin separates us from God. It is an obstacle in our lives that must be broken.


Victory Chant - Psalm 144:1 :  "Bless the Lord Who Is My Rock;  He Gives Me Strength for War and Skill For Battle!"


 Principle #1:  We must have a good FOUNDATION in order to be successful


 Ephesians 2:20 -  Christ Jesus Himself is our chief cornerstone.  HE is our rock! HE is our foundation!


 Principle #2:  Without FAITH, we will be defeated.   "For it is by grace you have been saved, THROUGH faith." (Eph 2:8)


 Principle #3:  FITNESS  - not just physical but spiritual.  We need to engage in activities that keep our faith strong.


Hebrews 12:11: "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful ...


Victory Chant - Psalm 144:1 :  "Bless the Lord Who Is My Rock;  He Gives Me Strength for War and Skill For Battle!"


Principle #4:  We need to have FOCUS. There are many distractions that take our attention away from Christ.


"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your heart on things above..." (Colossians 3:1)

     "..and I need another volunteer ...."    

Principle #5:  We don't always FOLLOW THROUGH  in our spiritual lives.

    "This time, I'm really going to hit you..."    

 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  (Romans 3:23)


 The sin in our lives weighs us down.  But One has come to break that barrier of sin for us.


Jesus Christ has taken our burden of sin to the cross so that we may have eternal life.  THANKS BE TO GOD!


Victory Chant - Psalm 144:1 :  "Bless the Lord Who Is My Rock;  He Gives Me Strength for War and Skill For Battle!"


Thank you to all who have hosted a Breaking Barriers presentation at their church or school. May God bless you!


Why not schedule a Breaking Barriers presentation during your Sunday morning Bible class?
Or as an enjoyable afternoon family activity at your church? Your congregation will be
amazed at the board-and-brick-breaking feats, and inspired and strengthened by the Gospel message. This is also a very popular performance for youth groups of all ages!
Contact Pastor J. Brown and reserve your presentation time today!